How to write a CV to get the job you want

Dec 11, 2021

A CV is an important document for any job seeker. Whether you are looking for your first job, or trying to move up the career ladder, a well-written CV can be key to getting that all-important interview. To help you on your way, here are 10 tips on how to write a CV that will get you noticed by employers!


Tip #01: Start with a strong opening statement


Your CV should start with a brief, but powerful, opening statement that tells the employer what you can offer them. This could be in the form of a personal profile, career overview or skills summary. Make sure it is concise and attention-grabbing so that the reader will want to learn more about you.


Tip #02: List your key skills


When writing your CV, it is important to list your key skills prominently. This will show the employer exactly what you are capable of and how you can benefit their organisation. Choose skills that are relevant to the job you are applying for and make sure they are up-to-date.


Tip #03: Use keywords


Employers often use software to scan CVs for specific keywords related to the job they are recruiting for. So, make sure you include these keywords in your CV to increase your chances of being selected for an interview.


Tip #04: Keep it concise


A CV should be no more than two pages long. Anything longer than that and the employer will likely lose interest. Make sure you list only the most important information about your education, work experience and skills.


Tip #05: Be creative


There is no one-size-fits-all approach to writing a CV, so be creative and find a style that best suits you. You may want to consider using different formats (e.g. chronological, functional or skills-based) or adding graphics to make it stand out from the crowd.


Tip #06: Be honest


It is important to be truthful when writing your CV. Don’t exaggerate your achievements or lie about your work experience – you will only be found out at the interview stage and it could ruin your chances of getting the job.


Tip #07: Proofread before you submit


Make sure you proofread your CV carefully before submitting it to an employer. Typos and spelling mistakes can make you look unprofessional and careless. Ask a friend or family member to read it over for you too, so that they can give their feedback.


Tip #08: Tailor your CV to each role


When applying for a job, you will probably have to send the same generic CV. However, if you are unsuccessful at first don’t be disheartened. Try tailoring your document so that it is more suited to the particular company or position in question and resubmit it! You may find this strategy increases your chances of getting an interview. Make sure any changes fit with what they are looking for though – otherwise you could harm rather than help your application!


Tip #09: Include contact details prominently on every page of the document


It is important that potential employers can get in touch with you easily when they receive your CV, which means including all of your contact information (e.g. name, address, email, phone number) prominently on every page of the document.


Tip #010: Use a professional template


If you are struggling to create a CV from scratch, or just want to make sure it looks professional, you can use a CV template. There are many free templates available and they can be customized to fit your own personal details. Just make sure you stick to the tips listed in this article so that your CV stands out from the competition!


Take the time to create a professional and well-presented CV today with our free templates.